

Welcome to The Brown Iris, a pictorial collective portraying the street life of Mumbai by a suburban guy, tea drinker, photography enthusiast and a mechanical engineering student based in Mumbai, India.

While I try and experiment with almost every genre of photography, I have a strong liking towards monochrome street photography and can often be found on busy pathways and streets of suburban Mumbai. When I am not clicking pictures, I am at my home rendering SolidWorks designs or studying for the university semesters.

Thank you for all your love! šŸ™‚
All the writings and pictures are mine, unless otherwise stated.  Please do not copy or reproduce any content on the blog without my permission.

12 thoughts on “About

  1. Hey there! Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a lovely comment. I’ve been poking around your blog, and you’ve got some wonderful pictures here. I’ve never been to India, but I get a good sense of what it’s like from your photos. All I can say is that it looks VERY different from the US. Have a wonderful day and keep on blogging! Celeste šŸ™‚

    1. Thank you for the comment. I am glad you like it. Through my blog, you are only looking at infinitesimally smaller India. There are some great people around who portray India better than me. And yes, it is very different from the US. Different cultures and languages in about every 100 miles. The country is diverse and so are the people and the local food.
      Thank you and have a nice day! šŸ™‚

  2. Great street photography/portraits! As celestedimilla says, your blog gives a good impression of what India is like – even if it is only a small window into an expansive and varied country.

  3. Hello…thanks for visiting my blog recently. I have had a look at your pictures and I think they’re absolutely wonderful – you have a really nice and unique style and the character of Bombay shines through them! Well done!

    1. Yes you can. Our team reviews your work at first and then we decide on how to go about the guest post. Look up at the contribute and collaborate page on the blog for more info.
      Have a nice day. šŸ™‚

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